Study on individual and conjugal trajectories
The EPIC survey (Study on individual and conjugal trajectorie) is designed and conducted by researchers from the Institut national d’études démographiques (INED) and by the Institut national de la statistique et des d’études économiques (INSEE).
EPIC will shed light on continuity and change in couple formation and living arrangements, and will reveal how attitudes to couple relationships have evolved by age or by generation.
In 2013, the EPIC survey will look at all types of union (marriage, PACS, consensual union) and, for the first time, will include people who do not have an intimate partner.
Why you?
To cover all types of situation, a sample of 16,000 dwellings was drawn at random using the 2012 census survey data.
If you have an intimate partner (even if you are not living together), he or she can also take part by answering a short questionnaire, either on paper or online.